Friday, June 7, 2019


My frustration with naïve idiots is at an all-time high.  Their desperate desire to wish away violence is understandable for children, but for adults who live in the imperfect world of mortal humans, such desire, laudable as it may be, is basically mental illness.  It is a delusion to believe that mortal beings, subject to the vicissitudes of life and death, can ever truly achieve a pacifist Utopia.  As long as we are mortal creatures, and are vulnerable to death, evil people can prey upon that mortality or the fear of that mortality for evil purposes.  If we were invulnerable immortal creatures, violence would be rather unproductive for predators.  But we are mortal, we are vulnerable, we can be killed, maimed and harmed, so living in a fantasy world where that is not the case is literally lunacy.  Such beliefs about the nature of the world would be considered schizophrenic if it wasn’t for the fact that such a HUGE number of young people all suffer from this shared psychosis.

I long for the days of dropped gauntlets.  Not just because I think many true indignities would be solved rather promptly—and many illusory indignities of mock victimhood would not seem quite so important to the affected snowflake—but also because it would be a way to demonstrate conclusively to every whining coward afraid of death just how the world really works.  See, every time I hear one of these lunatics on the news, inevitably supported by the majority of journalist cowards as the obvious opinion, I want desperately to slap them across the face with a glove and explain the simple truth of life.  “You are allowed to live in this shared delusion of a ‘safe space’ called a civilization because of the largess of men like me.  Violent men keep you safe, because violent men are constantly trying to do you harm.  You don’t see it, you don’t believe it, but I assure you it is true.  And all that would be necessary to shatter your shared delusion is for men like me to either, 1) stop, or (far worse for you), 2) switch sides.”  At this point I often wonder what they would do when I put a knife to their throats, purely for demonstration purposes.

Fundamentally, though it has become a trite way to sell t-shirts, there really are only three kinds of people in the world: prey, predators and protectors.  The prey cannot exist without the protectors.  The predators cannot exist without the prey.  The protectors could exist rather more comfortably without either.  And they often fail.  The victim of every violent crime is a victim because they relied on a protector to stop the predator instead of being self-reliant.  This week, in a move that the cops I work with find concerning, but I find an amazing statement of hope for a civilized society, a protector was charged with eleven crimes because, fundamentally, he was a coward.  He took a job, swore an oath and collected a paycheck to serve as a protector of children in Parkland, Florida.  He defrauded his community.  Thus, we can’t even rely on the protectors when they are right there.  The Virginia Beach Police Station was right across the street from the office building that nut job shot up last week; twelve victims-in-waiting died because they believed a protector was right across the street ready to save them.  The shared delusion of a ‘safe space’ in which you are invulnerable to violence is madness.  It will get you raped, maimed or killed.  You have to be your own protector.

The real world, outside your bubble of false-security, is indeed a scary place.  But, once you take responsibility for your own safety, and you confront that fear by popping the bubble, you start liberating yourself from the terrors that lurk in the shadows.  Once you learn how to defend yourself, protect yourself, fight for yourself, you accept the presence of the fear, and you learn the skills you need to overcome the danger, instead of running away from the fear.  If you’re gonna be a sheep, be a bighorn!

Easy 6

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