Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Absence of Law and Order is Called WHAT?

This is, by any definition, the absence of order.  When the law enforcement community is castrated by political correctness and unable to prevent harassment and minor assaults on themselves, what hope do you have that they will help you?

What I think should happen: NYPD should go on strike until Mayor Bill de Blasio resigns or is recalled and a new administration and police commissioner are in place that will restore law and order in NYC.

What will actually happen:  good cops will continue to quit, because who would put up with this crap?  So instead of good cops, you have a hot head cop, who is going to shoot one of these morons.  That will start the first round of riots.  Pointing a super-soaker at a cop is not a good idea, you dumb asses, especially in times of limited visibility.  So, we're going to see dead kids with toy water guns in their hands, and people are going to scream, "Police Brutality!  They killed my poor little baby Thuggy McPunkerson, and he never did nuthin' to nobody!"  (Except point that toy gun at a cop about twilight).  Which is just another example of great parenting.  Oh, wait, I forgot where this is happening, what parenting?  The hot head cop will then be accused of using excessive force, he will be fired, but he probably won't be prosecuted because the D.A. knows he won't get a conviction if he's honest, or simply because he needs cops to be on his side in his job of prosecuting actual criminals, so the cop will go free but have to find another career.  This will start the second round of protests of people screaming "institutional racism" that protects cops who kill innocent kids with nothing but toy guns; those protests will rapidly devolve into total riots and the inevitable burning down of a neighborhood drug store for some reason.  The cops will get blamed for that too.  So more of them will quit.  Now response times have tripled or quadrupled in areas that are already under-policed.

Conclusion #1: If you're a cop, you should quit, because this is total crap.  This will escalate to beyond water to gasoline or other chemicals.  These water runs are just rehearsals.  And when you defend yourself from Thuggy McPunkerson with a bucket of gas, you will be the bad guy.  Quit.  Let these social justice warriors have exactly what they want.

Conclusion #2 If you are a law abiding citizen, expect even fewer cops to be around when you need one in the coming days, weeks, months and years.  You better learn to get dangerous, folks, because the boys in blue ain't coming!  Even if they were coming, they're not allowed or willing to do anything for you, because as soon as they shoot the bastard trying to stab you, some crying crackhead's mother will be on the news screaming "racism," costing the cops their livelihoods, careers and pensions.  Why would they risk that to stop somebody with a knife a whole 21 feet away?  If your sense of personal safety and security before the Obama years was based on the belief in law enforcement being there to protect you, that was probably pretty naive.  If your sense of personal safety and security is based on that belief today, you are simply batshit crazy delusional!

The absence of law and/or order is anarchy.  Mass migration away from the law enforcement profession by good officers is leading to anarchy.  Castrating law enforcement officers who stay on the force, by not allowing them to do their jobs and allowing blatant disorder to rule the streets, is also leading to anarchy.  Having seen actual anarchy a few times, I can tell ya, things get real sporty for the sheep when there ain't no sheepdogs anymore.  The only sheep that survive in those situations are the ones with horns.  "If you're gonna be a sheep, you better be a bighorn sheep!"  One scary fact to close with is this: the United States has about 23,000 fewer law enforcement officers today than it did in 2012.  It's like SGM Plumley said:  "Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!"

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