Sunday, August 20, 2017


The events of the past week in America have confused me.  I have been struggling for a way to write about the Charlottesville Riots.  I wrote a little on social media about the absurdity of debating who were bigger scumbags, Nazis or Communists.  Two hate groups had a riot.  I wrote a little on social media about the Orwellian nature of destroying history.  I wrote a little on social media about the danger of people who hate the freedom to express ignorant, bigoted and dumb ass ideas as being as dangerous as the hatred such toothless hillbilly bigots feel towards another race, religion or other superficial characteristic they blame for all of their woes in life.  But I have not been able to incorporate these things into a coherent understanding within my own American philosophy.  Then I started thinking about the similarities between the rioters, instead of their differences.  What they all have in common is fragility.

The hillbilly racists are fundamentally weak and fragile because they blame some "other" for their failures.  They are not responsible for their lots in life.  They blame Jewish people, black people, gay people, liberal people and anybody else who does not look or act like them.  They do not take personal responsibility for their lives.  Their egos are fundamentally unformed or malformed in ways that preclude mature understanding of how their lives are their own responsibility.  Bigotry is fundamentally blaming some "other" for all of one's own failures.  It is a childish need for the world to be fair to them.

As is the quest for equality at the expense of freedom.  The opposition in these riots were equally hate-filled nutjobs who feel the world has been unfair to them because of the Marxist dogma of class disparity, coupled with a historical perspective that deems all socioeconomic disparity as deliberate oppression of their class.  In other words, they fight to make the world more fair.  Their main enemy in this struggle seems to be the expression of Americanism.  They do not believe that people have the fundamental right to be offensive, to disagree with their dogma or to express anything that runs contrary to that dogmatic belief that the world is fundamentally unfair.  This too is an unformed or malformed ego that is so fragile it cannot stand the thought that there are people in the world who do not like them.

Fragility is the trait both of these wingnut movements have in common, and it is the most unAmerican trait I can imagine.  It is contradictory to everything America is supposed to stand for: rugged individualism allows for class movement despite all the inequities stacked against any given person.  Both philosophies are dictated by group-think, both in the sense that they see themselves as oppressed members of a group, and also in that they surrender their own mental and moral faculties to unintelligent mob-minded hate in defense of their group from imagined injustice.

Grow the Fuck Up!  Nobody is oppressing you.  Nobody is stealing your life.  Nobody is hurting you because they say words that are offensive.  You do not have a right to not be offended.  You do not have a right to inflict physical violence on those who disagree with you.  You do not have a right to destroy property because it makes you feel bad.  Being offended is basically just feeling bad, and anybody over the age of five has surrendered that as an excuse to get violent.

The world is full of assholes.  You are one of them.  I am one of them.  Everybody else on the planet is also one of them.  Most of them are not like you.  Most of them do not agree with you.  Almost none of them are trying to physically hurt you, kill you or steal your shit.  Until they do, you have two non-violent choices: write a blog to point out how big of pansies they are, or realize, as more enlightened, smarter and less malformed egos have for millennia, that they do not matter.  Grow a thicker skin.  Stop being so damn fragile and believe that every irrelevant verbal slight or bad word is a physical attack on your person.  They are not.  Bullets, bayonets and bludgeons are attacks on your person; some asshole spouting off about how unjust the world is because it favors black women or white men is not an attack on your person.  It is an attack on your feelings.  Your feelings don't mean shit.  The fragile belief that there is a grand conspiracy of Jews who are ruining your life because you grew up a hillbilly and could not read at the age of twenty is weakness bordering on delusional mental illness.  The fragile belief that there is a grand conspiracy of rich people who are ruining your life because you are a hundred thousand dollars in debt to student loans you took out to get your degree in Marxist transgender studies is equally weak and delusional.

The assholes who dislike you, your kind or your words are not the majority (we don't give a shit about you), they are a small minority, and they are just as pathetic as you.  They have absolutely no power to ruin your life, even if they say they can with mean and dirty words that make your inner child feel like its imaginary ears are going to bleed imaginary blood...because it's all in your head!  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FAILURES, YOU RAVING, DELUSIONAL NUTJOBS!  Robert E. Lee is not your fucking problem.  Nor is Robert E. Lee your fucking solution.  Stop being so damn fragile and take responsibility for your own successes and failures.  Also, stop trying to be admired as the biggest, mindless wannabe bad ass in a mob of other mindless morons who themselves have completely unformed or malformed egos even more fragile than yours.  You are not impressing the rest of us by being so emotionally weak that half-literate words written by some equally moronic pansy, in crayon, on a cardboard box, at a protest, is enough to send you over the edge into insanity.  That is the very definition of fragility.  Both sides of the riot in Virginia, and the ensuing purge of the history of the Civil War, are fundamentally WIMPs: Weak, Incompetent, Malingering Pussies!  You have no control of your lives or self-worth if you are that fragile; and that is the weakness that is killing our country.

If my language in this blog offended you...READ IT AGAIN!

Soule (Easy 6)

PS: If you are part of the majority not involved with these losers: 1) Avoid them, or if that's not possible, 2) be prepared to defend yourself from them.

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