Thursday, May 26, 2022

Cowards and Psychopaths

People willing to commit mass murder are not going to be deterred by more laws. They are willing to murder dozens, if not hundreds, of people. This is the most heinous crime our system of justice has, yet they are perfectly willing to slaughter human beings for racial, religious, sexual or political bigotry. What law is New York going to pass that could possibly scare suicidal terrorists hell-bent on mass destruction? Don’t rack your brain, there isn’t one. People who are willing to commit mass murder will not be deterred by a misdemeanor weapons charge. They are evil criminals, they don’t care about laws; that’s the definition of evil criminals. You cannot legislate your way out of a confrontation with evil men. These aren’t people who run red lights, or go ten over the speed limit. Laws will not deter them. Murder is already illegal. In fact, it’s the oldest crime in the world, yet people still commit it. More laws aren’t going to stop that. You know what stops a murderer? A better defender. Ask any battered spouse with a restraining order that some piece of garbage walks right through on the attack; paper doesn’t beat rock. It certainly doesn’t beat bullets. To beat a rock, you need a bigger rock. Meaning, you have to be more dangerous and more capable at violence than the criminal predator. The laws they want to pass actually make society more dangerous. They want to write a piece of paper that bans good people from having rocks at all, and so only the bad guys have them. The bad guys don’t care at all about another law on another piece of paper, and they aren’t giving up their rocks. In between the previous paragraph and this one, the Uvalde, Texas shooting occurred. The terrorist shot nineteen elementary school kids. So, I’m going to stop arguing about guns. This is about a willful disbelief in evil. I don’t understand how people can not believe in evil. How else could you explain a lunatic shooting nineteen children between eight and ten years old? It’s not a matter of the mental health crisis in this country, which is obviously real, or bullies, it’s simply evil. This person was not raised with a moral compass to know that you don’t murder children. That seems like a pretty obvious and simple rule to follow. We can debate a lot about varying degrees of right and wrong, but you’re going to have a hard time finding the person who thinks murdering school children is a gray area. So, this was a broken psychopath with no remorse for innocent life. “He was bullied as a child because he had a lisp,” one report said. Well that certainly justifies murdering nineteen children ten years younger than him. Are you kidding me? He was bullied? Everybody is bullied in school at some point; you don’t get to go murder innocent children because of it! I was bullied as a kid, you know what I did with that anger? I joined the Army, got trained how to kill people with everything from a TOW missile to my bare hands to PROTECT innocent people and kill BAD PEOPLE! That’s the constructive way to use that rage and violence, to KILL TERRORISTS, not become one! There is something broken in our society that doesn’t believe in evil anymore. I’m not saying that in a religious context at all, by the way. But something has been lost in how we socialize children to be moral citizens with consciences that preclude the murder of other school children. Part of this is cowardice. We are a society of cowards. This encourages terrorists to conduct attacks. They don’t fear opposition, and they bank on their actions terrifying further the cowards unwilling to oppose them. This is not a debate about guns, it is an indictment of the cowardice now prevalent in our society. That cowardice is what allows these terrorists to succeed. Besides cowardice, the other part is the end of moral education for young Americans. We refuse as a society to parent children. To develop them into moral citizens. Parents want to be liked by their kids instead of respected by their kids. I’m not a parent, I’m sure it’s hard, but where the hell were this terrorist’s parents? Why didn’t they teach him it is evil to kill helpless children? Where did they go wrong? He shot his grandmother first before going to the school. What were they teaching him? What were they failing to teach him about right and wrong? This is the crux of our problem. We’re educating psychopathic terrorists because we aren’t socializing them to be moral citizens. This kid was like a Wild Child who raised himself in the woods with no moral foundations. Maybe we need to start charging the parents of these nutjobs with crimes? Maybe that would motivate them to instill some semblance of basic humanity into their little bundles of psychopathy. The two combined, our cowardice as a society and our immoral training of angry young men, is getting children killed. You can debate gun control forever, we have been, and I don’t give a damn what side you’re on, it doesn’t address these two problems. We are producing evil men without consciences who have no qualms about murdering scores of eight-year-olds. And the vast majority of our society is too chicken-shit to confront such evil bastards when they attack. We cannot continue as a society under these conditions. This is how societies and empires always fall, with moral decay inside to the point they are so rotten that they cannot defend themselves when the barbarians arrive at the gates. If you love your children, you better start turning this around. Raise them to be brave. Raise them to channel anger or rage towards evil. Be Galahads not Gandhis. Pacificism is the Virtue of the Victim. Courage is not hard when you accept that there are things more important than life, like the lives of eight-year-olds or thousands of innocent civilians in some building United 93 was screaming towards. Stop being cowards; be like Todd Beamer and stand up to evil when it attacks. “Let’s Roll.” Soule

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