Friday, December 21, 2018

"How many guns do you need?"

Weapon of Mass (x Velocity) Destruction
Disclaimer: Not a PG-Rated Blog Entry This Time

I was watching gun control debates last night on YouTube, and the question was raised, "How many guns do you need?  Is five hundred too many?"  How much square footage does your house need per person?  Does a person need a Ferrari?  Does Oprah need thirty mansions for a two-person family?  Do rich, liberal celebrity douche bags need private jets?

I'm a single guy with an average house, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, about 2000 square feet.  That is WAY more space than I NEED, but I can afford it, and it's legal for me to buy it.  In a free society, governments don't get to restrict the purchase of perfectly legal items based on a lack of need.  Liberals like to (hypocritically) ask us peons "what do you NEED all those guns for?" as they drive away from the private jet terminals in their Lamborghini super cars.

"But, a super car is not a weapon that can be used to murder people," say the liberals.  That's bull crap; you get a Ferrari up to full speed on an interstate and then swerve into a school bus coming the opposite way, you've just created a highly effective terrorist weapon.  Private jets can be used as weapons also, come to think of it.  The September 11th hijackers used jets as missiles.  The guy in New York who used the delivery van to run-over all of those people on the bike path used a normal automobile as a weapon of terror.  The guy in China who took a butchers knife and stabbed over a hundred people used a kitchen tool as a weapon of terror.  Ted Kaczynski used homemade explosives mailed to his targets.  And, yes, the Las Vegas Shooter used guns.  

We do not blame the airplanes for the attacks on 9/11.  We do not blame the automobile for the attack on the bike path.  We do not blame the knife for the attack that resulted in over a hundred people stabbed.  We do not blame the Ryder Truck for the Oklahoma City bombing.  We do not blame the envelopes for the Anthrax Attacks of 2001.  We do not blame any of these incredibly deadly and dangerous devices of mass destruction.  But we blame firearms for the actions of the people holding them, which is absurd because the airplanes used as missiles on 9/11 were MASSIVELY more deadly than any firearm.

What all of these attacks have in common are not the tools used to cause violence and destruction.  What they have in common is the people who carried them out.  The attackers in all of these cases, and most random acts of violence, have one thing in common.  They were BAT-SHIT CRAZY!  I don't mean they were mentally ill; the vast majority of people with mental illness are not dangerous to other people, though admittedly a significant number are dangers to themselves.  When I use the word "Crazy," I mean it is more than just mental illness; it's violently, criminally insane.  Suicide bombers are insane fanatics brainwashed by hatred.  Mass shooters are lunatics.  Timothy McVeigh was a nutjob armed with diesel fuel and fertilizer.  Even less spectacular acts of violence are often the result of the criminally insane.  Rage is a type of insanity.  Maybe it's temporary, maybe it isn't; sometimes anger is the outward manifestation of depression.  The Columbine School Shooters were filled with so much rage by the constant bullying, that they turned their self-loathing into externally-focused hatred and violence.  Their guns and homemade bombs did not MAKE THEM attack their school and perceived nemeses; being Bat-Shit Crazy did.  Do you think the .22 caliber pistol with which John Hinckley tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan MADE HIM do it?  No, it was a Bat-Shit Crazy obsession with Jodie Foster and the psychotic idea that he would impress her enough to fall in love with him if he shot the President...but it's the target pistol's fault?

Blaming guns is easier than blaming people for two reasons.  The first is that it is more politically expedient to paint an inanimate object as somehow possessed by the devil than it is to address the staggeringly complex problem of our mental health crisis.  As messed up as that politically expedient answer seems, it is actually the one that I understand and can accept from the other side of the gun debate.  It's at least a political position.  But I don't think it is the reason MOST of the anti-gun movement blames guns instead of people for shootings.  Most liberals blame--and are afraid of--guns because they do not believe, maybe CANNOT believe, in the capacity for evil within human beings.  The modern progressive movement has grown out of the civil unrest of the 1960s, and the belief in the innate "goodness" of humankind has never changed.  It has changed in individuals, but not in the movement.  It is the same naivete the believes that under a Marxist system, a single genius with few material NEEDS, will be motivated to the peak of his ability without being compensated for it.  It is a desperate desire to make people live in peace, love and harmony; and a categorical denial of the opposite.  Such naive people do not want to accept the history of the human race, clawing its way to the top of the food chain by bloody violence, tribal conflict and millennia of war, genocide, slavery and murder.  It is easier for them to instill the evil into an idol of evil called the firearm.  That way they can continue to believe in the saintliness of humanity, and that it's just the devil inside the gun making people do evil things.

Some have a little less naivete, but they want to create a world without war, without violence, without murder.  But as I have written in the past, what causes all of this violence is the fact that we are mortal.  No revolution can change that.  Only evolution can.  As long as we are mortal, we will be subject to violent death, and as a result bad people will exploit that mortality for wealth, power or pleasure.  The hippies who have grown up to try "to make a world without sin," never understand this true root of violence.  They think the human race en masse can learn to "be good."  But, as Malcolm Reynolds says, "....they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people better.  I do not hold to that.  So no more running; I aim to misbehave!"

Inanimate objects do not have any intent, much less murderous intent, so stop ascribing such characteristics to them.  Guns are not possessed by demons, they do not have mentalities, emotions, psychological characteristics or willpower.  Humans have all of those.  And when those mentalities, emotions, psychological traits and intent turn to murder, the tools such Crazy people use to take life are abundant and plentiful.  The absence of any one of them is irrelevant for dedicated madmen.  We saw that on 9/11; in the absence of guns, the hijackers used utility knives and non-lethal pepper spray to turn airliners into missiles that killed three thousand people in under three hours.  What I am trying to teach good people, with the W.I.D.T.H.6. Principles, is this lesson that bad people know already: it is our intentions that make us dangerous, not the tools.  Once a person becomes the Weapon, and they understand that almost anything can be used as a tool of self-protection, then they become truly dangerous and able to protect themselves.  The same hammer they use to build a house, they can use as an amazingly effective tool of violence.  The glass they drink out of can become a deadly tool of violence very easily, once they understand being the Weapon.  Once they understand Initiative, how to gain and keep it, the way the Columbine Shooters did, then they understand how to win in any self-protection situation, by taking it away from the Bat-Shit Crazy person.  Once they understand how to cause Damage to the human body's critical systems, then they know how to use any tool to end a self-protection situation in two or three seconds.  Bad Guys understand all of this stuff either intuitively or through training in the correctional systems; delusional cowards worried about the "demonic possession" imbuing inanimate objects with murderous intent, or failed hippies desperately trying to change human nature, do not understand violence.  They don't understand the causes of violence.  They don't understand the utility of violence in self-protection.  They don't understand the irrelevance of banning certain things when trying to get bad people to stop behaving badly.  They absolutely do not understand the massive mental health crisis facing America.  They do not understand that people who are Bat-Shit Crazy, who want to hurt innocent people, always WILL unless they are stopped by equally violent people.  But we can't all be presidents with Secret Service Agents to step in front of the bullets when a John Hinckley nutjob shows up, so we have to get prepared to protect ourselves.

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Sixuational Awareness (Check your 6)

Also, please check out Colion Noir's debates with the anti-gun movement which inspired this blog.  Sorry about the language!

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