Thursday, September 13, 2018

Patenque Ball Defensive Technique

The Paris stabbings the other day highlight several lessons.  Number 1, as always, is “Sixuational Awareness.”  Check your six, be aware of your surroundings, be protective of your personal bubble.  Nobody should be getting closer than arms-length, to you.  Professor David James of Vee Arnis Jitsu calls this “The Three Foot Rule,” and there’s no reason any stranger should be closer to you than that in an unsafe place like Paris.
The second is the use of improvised weapons against the first attacker.  Before yesterday, I’d never heard of a Patenque Ball, but I commend the game’s practitioners on pelting the knife-wielding lunatic with them.  Weapon: the tool is not the weapon, you are!  When you are the Weapon, then anything can be used as a tool of self-protection.
Having said that, three, we should probably not be relying on lawn sports equipment for our personal protection in a dangerous world.  Weapon: arm yourself.  If where you live does not allow you to carry a firearm, you are living with a dramatically increased level of danger.  But if you live in such a place, you need to carry something.  Carry whatever is legal.  Carry a pocketknife with a blade the legal length allowed by your state or jurisdiction.  Carry a flat-head screw driver.  Carry a cane.  Then, most importantly, learn to use what you are allowed to carry.  If you live in a sane place like Colorado, get a concealed carry permit and a handgun.  Part of “Sixuational Awareness” and being the Weapon is always having those tools at your disposal.  I tell people to treat them like a watch: you put them on in the morning, take them off only when you get into the shower, and put them on your nightstand when you go to bed.  The tool should never be farther than arms-length, away from you.
The last lesson is related to the “Patenque Ball Defensive Technique” also.  They did not try to wrestle the knife out of the guy’s hand.  They beamed him with heavy metal balls.  They attacked the attacker, not the bad guy’s tools.  This is about Damage: you have to hurt, incapacitate or kill the brain box of the bad guy to stop him, not the inanimate objects his brain is animating.  Focusing on deflecting or blocking or retreating from the knife once you are engaged are all losing bets.  Now, if you aren’t yet engaged and you have an escape route, run for it, but if you are engaged, you have to ATTACK!  Take the Initiative, gouge out his eyes, stomp on his throat, snap his neck, rip his ears off, or do whatever it takes to eliminate the enemy weapon system.  The enemy Weapon IS NOT THE KNIFE, it’s his brain.  The best way to shut his brain down, by the way, is to empty a firearm into his chest or head.
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Soule (Easy 6)

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