Thursday, April 19, 2018

Britain's "Knife Control" Movement

I have been trying to write this blog for almost a month.  I find it very difficult because of my cognitive bias.  I cannot really wrap my head around the logic of banning knives.  This is what I believe, you guys tell me if I am off-base.  Banning guns in Britain has stopped a great deal of gun murders.  Knife murders have thus replaced gun murders in England.  How is this success?  The murder rate in London is skyrocketing.  I cannot effectively express how irrelevant it is to murder victims whether they were murdered by a knife, a gun, a car bomb or an airplane flying into buildings.

Here is my basic problem with all of this: I was a horrible combat engineer officer in Iraq.  Why?  Because the mission of the combat engineers was to go out and find IEDs (bombs) on the side of roads.  Our job was to go find the bomb.  We created Task Force IED after the first year of the war to defeat the bomb.  We spent tens of billions of dollars to defeat a hot-wired mortar round on the side of the road; that was really, really, really stupid.  But it got a lot of defense contractors a lot of money.  Hunting for bombs is a stupid way to fight a war.  The Israelis have a saying, "Find the bomber, not the bomb."  So, I fought very hard, and was mostly successful, at getting my company of combat engineers out of the bomb-hunting business and into the bomber-hunting business.  We found, captured and/or killed the IED makers.  That reduced the IEDs way more effectively then spending billions of dollars on redesigned combat vehicles that were specifically designed to get hit by street punks with homemade explosives.

Focusing on the defeat of the weapons of war instead of the defeat of the enemy is a sure way to be defeated by the enemy, regardless of his weapons of war.  Bad people commit murders, not inanimate objects.  Britain has been brainwashed into insanity in the last three generations.  They believe that if you take the rocks away from the monkeys, they will stop fighting.  The rocks do not cause the monkeys to fight.  The knives do not cause the Brits to stab.  The guns do not cause the Americans to shoot.  It is the inevitable outcome of a morally relative society that accepts every evil aspect of every culture no matter how barbaric: marrying nine year old girls off to Sheiks, accepting honor killings, killing abortion doctors, ritualistic mutilation of children, et cetera.  Accepting all of it in the name of multiculturalism means your society has adopted absolute moral relativism, and thus cannot--will not, are incapable of--believing that there are just some evil assholes in the world.  People keep getting killed, regardless of the tools used to do it, and the mentally ill politicians in Great Britain are so blinded by their biases that they can't accept the existence of evil.  When you stop believing in the evil that men do, you start ascribing motives to inanimate objects, because your world view will not allow you to accept that some people are gonna be murderers regardless of the inanimate objects.

There are evil people in the world.  They kill innocent people.  They have created incredibly intricate machines, methods and technologies to do it.  But, if you take away all of those things, the monkey can still bash a brain out with a rock.  The only thing that stops an evil person from stabbing you, is you.  There is no law that deters an evil person from being evil.  There is no law that deters a criminal from breaking laws.  The insanity of the left is not its politics, it is the undermining of language; when you create "unwords" through political correctness, idiots lose sight of definitions.  Criminal: one who breaks laws.  It doesn't matter how many laws you pass, LAWS DON'T DETER THOSE WHO BREAK LAWS!!!

Misdemeanors that ban knives, guns, cricket bats, et cetera, do not deter evil assholes willing to commit capital murder.  The lunatics running London and the rest of Great Britain have lost their minds if they believe that is not the case.  Snidely Whiplash was not evil because he had a sinister mustache, and banning his mustache wax would have no effect on his intentions.  Evil is defeated by good men fighting back, not banning evil's choices in how to be evil!

Easy 6

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