Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Dangers of Tribalism

Warning: not appropriate for younger Audiences:

I was watching a Shapiro Q&A session on youtube and he made a really good point. We have--thanks to Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama in my opinion--retreated into tribalism based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, primarily motivated by political fear mongering from the two main parties. There was a 20 year period from 1980 until 2001 where the word "us" meant "Americans". It was not perfect, of course, but we were far less divisive when I was a kid than we are now.
Dear Liberals, the VAST majority of Republicans do not care anymore about your lifestyles. Even devout Christians don't want to prevent you from living your lives as you see fit, they just don't want to bake your fucking cakes. Conservatives don't care what color your skin is, but they do care what country your birth certificate is from; THAT is nationalism, not racism, and if you are too dumb to know what the difference is between those two, you are being LIED TO, and you are LYING to others. I am a proud nationalist; I fought a war for THIS nation, with a bunch of men and women of every color, every religion and every class. We all believed that our tribe was the United States of America.
Dear Conservatives, you are being sucked into this crap also, blindly following a celebrity president the same way millions of Sheeple followed President Obama, regardless of how disastrous his policies were. I voted against Hillary, so my vote for The Donald helped him get elected too, but I don't blindly agree with everything he says or does. That's what Sheep do. That's what millions of idiots did for eight years under Obama because he was "cool," even though he didn't know fuck all shit about running anything bigger than a neighborhood clean-up committee. Donald Trump makes mistakes, big ones, and we have to hold him accountable for those and stop just agreeing with him because he's contrarian and pisses off the people we dislike in the news media. Also, we have to stop demonizing everybody in the Democratic Party as lunatics, just because their most vocal minority are a bunch of...well, freaks like Antifa and atrociously-raised young people who not only question WHO they are, like we all did, but also WHAT they are because their parents had no concepts of boundaries. They are not the vast majority of Democrats, just like the Nazi assholes in Charlottesville are not representative of the vast majority of Republicans. They ain't my fucking tribe, and I'm a nationalist, jingoist, flag-waving, redneck combat vet; but I want all Americans to be free and have the opportunities of this nation, even the freaks....AMERICANS ARE OUR TRIBE.

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Easy 6

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