Saturday, March 24, 2018

Great Mills High School Shooting

I have not written in a while, because I am building a website, a YouTube Channel and a mobile site in addition to this philosophy of violence blog.  But, then some punk walked into Great Mills High School where I lived for ten years of my childhood.  I have listened to the repeated and louder cries screaming, "Something has to be done!"

Something was done.  An armed police officer stationed at the school killed a madman before he could kill anybody.  Two students were wounded, but the only dead person was the bad person.  Tragically, one of the wounded teens died of her wounds when her parents had to make the heart-wrenching decision to remove her from life support. 

Few points: the shooter was 17 and armed with a semi-automatic handgun.  It is illegal nation-wide for anybody under the age of 21 to own a handgun; that law did not prevent a criminally insane madman from shooting two fellow students.  It is illegal in Maryland for anybody to own a pistol with a high capacity magazine; that law did not prevent a criminally insane madman from shooting two fellow students.  It is illegal in Maryland to carry a firearm onto the property of a public school unless you are a law enforcement officer; that law did not prevent a criminally insane madman from shooting two fellow students.  It is illegal in every civilized nation on earth to kill innocent children; that law did not prevent a criminally insane madman from shooting two fellow students.

LAWS DO NOT, CAN NOT, WILL NOT EVER MAKE YOU SAFE!  Laws do not make a society safe.  Criminals, by definition, ignore laws.  Writing laws to ban weapons, drugs, alcohol, drunk driving, or the killing of innocent people does not stop these from happening.  All laws are designed to do is give a framework for punishing the violators of the social contract.  They are pieces of paper that cannot stop bullets or knives.  Murder is illegal in every state, yet people keep getting murdered!  How dare they!  It's almost like murdering psychopaths have no regard for the rule of law!

This is not meant to be a pro-gun rant.  Rather, the purpose of this is to say that the only thing that can protect you and your loved ones from a violent world is YOU.  Cops are not paid to protect us, despite what their slogans say; they are paid to investigate our murders after they happen.  The government was designed to protect us from only one type of threat, that of a foreign invasion, which would then require the services of every able bodied adult to defend the homeland, so we would be "in the shit" anyway.  The military was made up of citizen soldiers from the Revolution through today; so the government can't even protect us from foreign invaders, because we become their tools for doing so.

It's like Smokey the Gun-Toting Redneck Bear always said, "Only YOU can prevent shooting them a lot when they try to shoot you and your kids."  Which, by the way, is exactly what happened at Great Mills High School.  One bystander died of wounds, one wounded and a dead bad guy.  That is a much better outcome than what happened at Parkland, Florida, because a good guy with a gun was on the campus and responded immediately.  It is hard for some to accept that one victim fatality is a decent outcome, but, the truth is, the lunatic will always have the initiative, and his first victim is usually a surprise attack.  Then the good guys have to respond to the attack, which always takes time.

And the space-time continuum will not allow for a cop to be everywhere at all times.  Therefore, YOU must have the skills to defend yourself.  You, me, your spouse, your neighbor, your school board, we all need to accept personal responsibility for our personal safety.  The government is not going to protect us.  They are not allowed to in a free society with due process of law guaranteed to every lunatic that shoots up a public place.  So, it becomes your problem.  A hundred years ago Americans understood that fact, accepted that fact, lived with the knowledge that they were on their own for personal protection in a much wilder country.  I don't know what happened to that self-reliance and acceptance of personal responsibility, but I assure you that if you are counting on the government to protect you and your family, you are what people in my industry would refer to as a "Victim."  It will only be a matter of time until somebody tries to take something from you--up to and including your life--and if you refuse to live in the real world, if you continue to delude yourself into believing that the cops are only a second away, and that more laws will somehow stop people who are defined by ignoring laws, then you will become a victim.  By contrast, if you accept personal responsibility for your personal safety, then you can fight back.

Why are so many people afraid of fighting back?  I think part of it is that they don't want to accept how increasingly violent our world is becoming, which is living in a state of denial.  I think another part of it is that they are afraid of becoming some sort of damaged person if they learn to be better at violence than the violent criminals; this mentality drives me crazy.  Being raped, stabbed, robbed or shot will create far more psychological damage to a human mind than the tough, aggressive training to prevent getting raped, stabbed, robbed or shot.  People want to be pussies because they are afraid of becoming knuckle dragging meat heads like the people who do violence for a living; they want to live dainty lives.  Let me assure you that the dainty never fair well in violent situations, just ask Marie Antoinette.  Some people are so afraid of the violence that they have a superstitious belief that if they prepare for violence, it is more likely to find them.  This is complete bullshit.  Violence finds people regardless of training.  When it finds you, you can either be the bug or the windshield in the scenario; you can either be the one who is really good at violence, or you can be the one who dies miserably.  Pacifists did not liberate the concentration camps!

Only YOU can prevent yourself from being the victim of a violent crime.  You have to train in violence.  A cop with a gun is not around every corner, folks.  And even if there were, until a crime has been committed, cops can't do anything to protect you, and by then it will probably be too late.  The lesson of the shooting in Great Mills, Maryland (which has some of the toughest, most ignored gun laws in America) is that laws do not make you safer; only a guy with a gun stopped the madman.  Be the guy with the gun.

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Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Myth of Dudley Do-Right Defeating Snidely Whiplash

There is no solution to violent crime that will allow us to remain a society of cowards, so please stop looking for somebody else to save your ass.  It is impossible to take away all the resources for violence without lobotomizing us, as brains are the real weapons, and mental health isn't being fixed.  Only courage can defeat your terror!

The left wants to take guns away, as they believe that it would eliminate the "capacity" to do evil.  The right wants to fix the brains of crazy people before they snap, to eliminate the "intent" to do evil.  Both of these solutions want the government to create a policy that will externally make us safe.  They want somebody else to do something to prevent me from having to face the dangerous realities of the world.  Both sides want to believe that danger can be removed from a free society, and that is illogically impossible.  It belies the nature of a free society.  In a free society, evil is rarely preventable.  The creation of free society accepts that potential for evil in exchange for avoiding the much more horrid evil of totalitarianism or holocausts perpetrated by Leviathan governments.  It accepts the potentiality for evil being perpetrated by free lunatics because it expects that the society will be composed of people willing to protect themselves.

Conservatives have been saying that what has changed in the world is not the guns--which is true--but rather the degrading of moral values in our society.  Or, they argue that the large number of crazy people not institutionalized today is what leads to increases in violence.  I don't agree with these explanations.  What has changed is not the moral courage of our society, it is the physical courage of our society.  There were evil people in the 1950s who were deterred not by Andy Griffith and Barney Fife, who were always far away from the point of attack; they were deterred by a society of good men who would not tolerate evil in their presence.  These people were the last generation of Americans who accepted the RESPONSIBILITY that necessarily accompanies the LIBERTY of a free society.

Every situation where we want the government to do something to protect us, requires a sacrifice of liberty.  Authoritarian regimes have a great capacity to protect their citizens from themselves.  Hitler protected the pure Aryans from the evil Jews and Gypsies very effectively.  Stalin protected the communist revolution from Soviet dissenters very thoroughly.  But in a free society, where we have not only the right to bear arms but also the right of due process, the police cannot protect us from each other.  The only threat our government was originally supposed to protect us from was foreign invaders.  That has evolved to include foreign spies and terrorists, and probably went too far after September 11th, but it was not designed to protect us from our own citizens.  You would not want to live in a society where the government is supposed to protect its citizens from its own citizens.

The argument is not about the 2nd Amendment, it is about the 4th and 5th Amendments.  Government cannot protect you from evil members of our society so long as their is a right to be safe from unreasonable searches and seizures, and also the right to due process of law.  WHICH MEANS, YOU HAVE TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY FROM EVIL MEMBERS OF OUR SOCIETY!

That is what both parties want to deny.  They want desperately to believe that the government can and should protect them.  "Forbid it almighty God!"  The only way to defeat evil is to oppose evil.  You cannot legislate it or regulate it or pass laws that the CRIMINALLY insane are going to respect.  They are willing to commit MASS MURDER, do you really think a Class 2 Misdemeanor for possession of a firearm under the age of 21 is going to deter them?  The word "Sheeple" appeared in our lexicon after 9/11 to describe those helpless and hapless souls waiting around for "rough men to do violence on their behalf" instead of following the example of my hero Todd Beamer and his fellow passengers of United Flight 93.  Unarmed and unprepared they confronted evil--and died as heroes--with the only weapon that matters, the weapon that our society of pansies refuses to wield:  COURAGE!

We live in a world where evil men do evil things, and the only thing that stands between them and the weak are brave men and women.  You do not have to wear a uniform to be brave.  You do not have to be armed to be brave.  You do not have to be big to be brave.  You must only refuse to be a victim.  Maybe you win, maybe you die.  But "dying in your bed many years from now would you be willing to trade all the days between this day and that for one chance" to tell your enemy that he may take your life but...fuck that, KILL THE EVIL SONOFABITCH!  That is how you defeat evil.

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Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Dangers of Tribalism

Warning: not appropriate for younger Audiences:

I was watching a Shapiro Q&A session on youtube and he made a really good point. We have--thanks to Presidents Bush Jr. and Obama in my opinion--retreated into tribalism based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, primarily motivated by political fear mongering from the two main parties. There was a 20 year period from 1980 until 2001 where the word "us" meant "Americans". It was not perfect, of course, but we were far less divisive when I was a kid than we are now.
Dear Liberals, the VAST majority of Republicans do not care anymore about your lifestyles. Even devout Christians don't want to prevent you from living your lives as you see fit, they just don't want to bake your fucking cakes. Conservatives don't care what color your skin is, but they do care what country your birth certificate is from; THAT is nationalism, not racism, and if you are too dumb to know what the difference is between those two, you are being LIED TO, and you are LYING to others. I am a proud nationalist; I fought a war for THIS nation, with a bunch of men and women of every color, every religion and every class. We all believed that our tribe was the United States of America.
Dear Conservatives, you are being sucked into this crap also, blindly following a celebrity president the same way millions of Sheeple followed President Obama, regardless of how disastrous his policies were. I voted against Hillary, so my vote for The Donald helped him get elected too, but I don't blindly agree with everything he says or does. That's what Sheep do. That's what millions of idiots did for eight years under Obama because he was "cool," even though he didn't know fuck all shit about running anything bigger than a neighborhood clean-up committee. Donald Trump makes mistakes, big ones, and we have to hold him accountable for those and stop just agreeing with him because he's contrarian and pisses off the people we dislike in the news media. Also, we have to stop demonizing everybody in the Democratic Party as lunatics, just because their most vocal minority are a bunch of...well, freaks like Antifa and atrociously-raised young people who not only question WHO they are, like we all did, but also WHAT they are because their parents had no concepts of boundaries. They are not the vast majority of Democrats, just like the Nazi assholes in Charlottesville are not representative of the vast majority of Republicans. They ain't my fucking tribe, and I'm a nationalist, jingoist, flag-waving, redneck combat vet; but I want all Americans to be free and have the opportunities of this nation, even the freaks....AMERICANS ARE OUR TRIBE.

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