Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Paradox of Non-Violence

First, I have tremendous respect for Gandhi and even more for Dr. King.  I consider them in an elite class of men in history who have been so inspirational as to earn the title of "Shepherds."  But, shepherds alone cannot protect a large flock of civilians; they need sheepdogs or they need sheep that are religiously committed to their non-violent revolutions.  I say religiously committed because non-violent revolutions only work at the strategic level, when public opinion of atrocities grows so disgusted with the powers that be that they change the system.  In the meantime, though, the atrocities continue at the tactical level.  In other words, many of Dr. King's followers, at the ground level where the protest lines met the riot cops, got maced, beaten with night sticks and some got flat-out killed.  That is the paradox of a non-violent movement; at the strategic level they can succeed in overthrowing evil systems, but at the tactical level non-violence is met with brutal violence.

The problem is that we see these truly rare examples of awe-inspiring men like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Junior and we start to believe that their way is the best.  Well, hell, it probably is the best.  But, there is always a tremendous amount of suffering that goes along with such movements, and the leaders of those movements are willing to accept that suffering.  These are figures like Jesus Christ; non-violent martyrs willing to change the world through their sacrifice are hard to find.  They are very rare, and thus non-violence rarely defeats evil.  Evil almost always has to be confronted by violent men willing to do violence on behalf of innocent people.  In other words, the shepherds' attempts to convert the wolves to sheepdogs only very rarely works; most of the time the wolves have to be fought off by "rough men willing to violence on behalf" of the sheep.

Forget about guns, forget about school kids, forget about mental health screening, forget about arming teachers, forget about the Constitution and forget about politics.  The historical facts are that evil is rarely defeated by non-violence, and then only with extraordinary leaders of profound moral and spiritual character, and then only at the strategic level.  Non-violence has NEVER defeated the lone madman.  Unfortunately, because of the examples of Gandhi and Dr. King, three generations of Americans have been brainwashed to believe that non-violence is the best method of defeating evil lunatics.  This is a dangerous delusional view of professional predators and evil madmen.  We have to stop believing this fundamental misunderstanding of non-violence, and stop believing that we have somehow become "more evolved"--as one well-meaning non-violent future victim argued to me--than The Greatest Generation.  That generation understood that evil must be confronted violently and that weakness only achieves great change when it is accompanied by internal strength of the likes of Gandhi or Jesus.  If you do not possess that kind of internal light--as I don't--you have to be willing to confront evil violence through the use of constructive violence.

Some residents of Mount Olympus (America) desperately want to believe in the non-violent approach because they desperately want to deny the fact that we are mortal beings.  They want to believe that we have moved passed the violence of our ancestors.  No REVOLUTION of thought can change our fundamental nature: we are predators who clawed our way to the top of the food chain to dominate a planet because our brains made us the most violent species on earth.  This is why Marxism failed.  This is why pacifists don't rescue hostages from terrorists.  Revolution can't change our corporeal nature, only EVOLUTION can do that, and despite what non-violent advocates (victims) preach, we have not evolved beyond our mortality in the last century.  Trying to legislate or regulate violence out of human nature is like trying to put handcuffs on a cobra for eating a rabbit.

The fact that we are mortal is what makes us susceptible to violence, or coercion by the threat of violence.  This is what professional victims do not understand about predators.  No amount of rules or potential punishments will stop a predator from feeding on prey.  I was in a class one day in graduate school talking about gun control with a number of people of all political persuasions, including one cop also getting his masters.  They were arguing essentially that banning Timothy McVeigh's Ryder truck would have prevented the Oklahoma City Bombing.  So, I told them that they did not understand predators or violence.  The conversation went something like this.

With a bemused smile, I said to the one sitting next to me at the conference table, "I could snap your neck before the cop across the table could shoot me.  Now, he'd probably shoot me after I killed you.  But, how does that help you?"

Their eyes got wide.  The smart ones started accusing me of all sorts of barbarism.  The dumb ones were the ones who scared me; they didn't believe I could do it before the cop across the table got to me (that's delusion for which tragically there is no cure except victimhood).  The one next to me, to her credit, said, "You could try."

I smiled and answered, "Bingo.  That is the only solution.  YOU are the only person that could prevent me from perpetrating violence upon you.  The criminal justice system will punish me, but what good does that do you?"  She got it.  The smart ones who thought I was barbaric, started to understand, all I had to do was convince them that there are indeed barbarians in our midst.  The dumb ones, who believe they live in an impregnable bubble of police and security forces, are beyond reason and will not believe that they are unsafe until they are victims of violence.

It is especially delusional when you see that the trained law enforcement officers of Coward County, Florida had less guts than the 14 year old Junior ROTC Cadets who had to do the job of the Sheriff Deputies.  Even when they are willing and not part of an organization of cowards being led by an incompetent moron like Scott Israel, the fact is cops are not capable of protecting you.  Our criminal justice system is not designed for them to protect you, it is designed to punish the guilty after they commit their crimes.  Which means, EVERY potential victim must be prepared to fight for their life.  I don't care what your stance is on guns or politics, I am talking about the predatory nature of professional criminals.  They don't see you as anything but a target or an obstacle to their goal.  If you are not prepared to defend yourself with your bare hands, with an improvised weapon, with a blade, with a firearm, with your car if you're being carjacked, or with a rifle if you have one, then you are living in that delusional bubble.

Remember, evil is rarely defeated by non-violence.  It is great to revere the exceptions to that historical fact like Dr. King and Gandhi, but do not confuse the exceptions for the rule.  The Concentration Camps of the Third Reich were not liberated by pacifists, folks.  Rough, violent men willing to cut through swaths of German human beings are the ones that liberated Europe and rescued the survivors.  Violence can be used for good or evil, Navy SEALs putting bullets into bin Laden was not an act of evil, but it was certainly an act of violence.  Unless you have the moral constitution of a Gandhi and are willing to suffer the slings and arrows, I'd recommend learning how to shoot some arrows back!

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Easy 6

PS: Now pissing off the delusional future victims on Twitter @easy6training

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