Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"Concealed Carry Clothes" are Crap!

Please watch this video:

What do you think?

Let me preface this by saying that I agree with the point they are making, that purses are not for carrying guns (or laptop bags, guys).  My absolute hard and fast rule for my students about carrying a gun is that it has to be carried on their person; I discussed various methods of doing so in detail previously, so I will not re-hash that here.  Having said that, I have a big problem with this video, because it is trying to teach that concealment is critical and attainable no matter what a person wears.  While that is probably true, it is an utterly stupid message to be sending to people.  CONCEALMENT IS NOT THE POINT OF CARRYING!!!!!  Gun fights happen in fractions of seconds; if you have to partially undress to draw and fire a gun to protect yourself, you are carrying a dumbbell in your underwear and have no concept of gun fighting.  I challenge her to get to any of those guns in one second or less in that video.  Or try to do so with one hand while fighting off an attacker.

This is backwards thinking when carrying a gun.  No matter what holster companies, “concealed carry clothing” companies or ultra-compact pistol manufacturers tell you, the most important thing in carrying a concealed firearm is NOT how concealed it is!  The most important thing is how well it can save your life.  I’ve talked about this in terms of capacity and caliber of a gun (i.e. “firepower”), and in terms of carry methods (i.e. “efficiency”).  Both of these principles are far more important than the ease with which a firearm can be concealed.  This is because both of these factors have actual impacts on fighting with the gun rather than hiding the gun.

A gun that you cannot access, draw, aim and fire is not really a functioning firearm.  It’s just pocket litter, or jewelry, providing the wearer a false sense of security or an accessory designed to make the wearer feel good, but nothing more.  This is the same outcome as taking a gun loaded with blanks out for self-protection.  The whole system has to work in order for you to defend yourself.  The gun is just one part of the system.  The holster, the ammunition, the concealing clothing all have to work with you to get the gun out and engage a violent criminal in self-defense.  The most important thing in the system, though, is your training.  Training is not just how to shoot the gun, it is not even just how to draw from concealment, present the firearm and engage the hostile; those are just the physical aspects of it.  There is also a mental component to training; thinking through a situation, having situational awareness, knowing what to do.  The other aspect of training is the most important: will and perseverance.  So, there is a lot more that goes into effectively engaging in armed self-defense than just concealing a gun somewhere on your person where nobody can see it.  How you conceal a firearm is only one aspect of being a concealed weapon carrying citizen, and it is the least important aspect of the whole system.  Instead of focusing on how to hide the gun, you should focus on how you would deploy and use the gun if you needed to.  How do you do that most efficiently?  How are the obstacles (clothing, seat belts, car windows, holster retention devices, et cetera) going to hinder you from efficiently securing the gun, drawing the gun, presenting the gun and engaging with the gun—with one hand, in a fight, in one second or less?  See, that is gun fighting, and doing nothing but concealing a handgun somewhere on your body behind three layers of clothing, holsters and retention straps—that require you to use two hands and hop on one foot to get a chance of getting it out in five seconds—is not gun fighting!  You would honestly have a better chance at certain self-defense distances just using your bare hands rather than trying to fight through all of those obstacles to get to a gun.

That realization right there must beg the question, then, in our minds: Why the hell am I carrying a gun if I have it concealed so well that I can’t use the damn thing when I need it?  Don’t get me wrong, if somebody tackles me from a blindside and I don’t see them coming, I’m going to have to fight bare handed long enough to get to the gun, and I think everybody should have enough empty hand skills to do that.  However, the goal of carrying a gun should be to protect yourself and those you care about.  If that tool is not making self-protection more efficient for you, then why carry it?  You are not accomplishing anything to increase your safety.  If you think the word “concealed” is the most important word in the phrase Concealed Carry, you are totally missing the point of having a gun on you.  You are carrying JEWELRY, and a bad person will beat you senseless, unconscious or to death while you get HIS new gun out of your concealed carry garments so he can pick it up and go victimize somebody else.

This video is not wrong in what it’s trying to say, that guns must be carried on the person in order to be secure; if a purse snatcher grabs your purse, and you have a gun in it, you just armed a criminal.  But, the makers of the video demonstrate everything else terribly.  If you are going to carry a concealed handgun for self-protection, you have to have it accessible enough to be useful in protecting yourself!  Stop buying “concealed carry” crap!  The same amount of money you spend on that crap would be better used buying ammunition to go practice with on the range!  You only really need one holster for the weapon you are going to carry concealed, and you need to wear it all the time, and you need to practice drawing the gun from the holster under concealment and engaging targets at the range.  Stop buying every accessory some gun-toting seamstress can devise to hide a gun so efficiently it takes a safe cracker to get to it.  Instead, start figuring out how to overcome that crap that hides the gun, so if--God forbid--you ever had to actually USE a gun, you could get to it.  Remember, the most important part of carrying concealed is CARRYING, not concealing!

What do you guys think?

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